Sunday, June 7, 2009


Oh is that time of year when the sunshine brings out the best in all of us. We seem to lose the winter blahs and find the need to brighten things up a little bit.

I, for one, always decide when June rolls around that blondes must have more fun. I can't honestly say that the statement is true, but a new do certainly is fun! (Thank you Amy and Dayna!) The gray is gone, but those caterpillars above my eyes...yikes!

The other great thing that I love about summer is...


There are those who are blessed with beautiful feet...NOT ME! My feet look like they should be attached to Barney Rubble's ankles. They are as wide as they are long. My nails don't seem to ever grow to the end of my toes, and I have this funny little pinky toe that is quite triangular. But over the years, I have grown to love my feet.

I love the tan lines that appear after a week of wearing flip flops every day. I love my fat big toe-it makes me laugh. I love the way all my toes form a straight line. I love to paint my toenails with fun colors, flowers, and sparkles. I love comparing my feet to others I see.

Yes, these feet are definitely a family trait. My brother C. has almost identical feet to mine. A little bigger and quite a bit hairier, but paint those toenails pink and you wouldn't know to whom they belong.

So the next time you are at the beach, the mall, the grocery store, maybe even church-check out your neighbors feet. Another fabulous way that our Creator made us all unique!


  1. Sometimes when I look down, I think you are standing there next to me, then I realize it is Cory - he he.
    Love the painted toes. Mae and I love to paint ours too. I bought brown this summer - to match the dirt.

  2. Love your hair, look very "beached".
