Thursday, April 23, 2009


My camera is one of my most prized possessions. I use it to capture the moments around me so that I may not forget. Yesterday, I had a magnificent photo opportunity and when I ran to grab the camera, it was gone. I panicked, knowing that I had not used it since the day before, putting it away in the exact same spot I always keep it, to be sure to have it for the next time. I searched the house high and low. I sifted through junk drawers (more than I wish to admit), cabinets, and kids bedrooms. I called my husband and my oldest daughter, all in hopes that they might have used it and set it somewhere. When I finally came to the realization that it really was gone, I prayed that God would show me where to look.

About two hours later, I remembered that my baby boy has a fascination with the garbage as of late. He likes to throw things in with force, and watch the lid spin. He will throw anything in just for the thrill and then stand there clapping his hands.

I dug through the garbage praying. There, at the bottom of the bag, under two days worth of household trash was my camera. It was safe in its case, but covered in coffee grounds, diapers, and other nasties.

As I stood at the sink, wiping all the gunk off of my camera, I pictured how God must feel when I am "found", seek forgiveness, and give my life back to Him. We are God's most prized possessions. When I return to Him, He must smile, and happily stand at the sink of my life and wipe off the dirt and grime that I have picked up in this world. He longs for us to be in a relationship with Him. His desire for us is to live a life that is pleasing and glorifying to Him, so that others may get a picture of His love.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your unending forgiveness and the wiping away of all my sin. Thank you for washing me as white as snow, over and over and over. Thank you for leading me to my camera, and showing me in a way that my mind can understand, how great Your love is for me. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I am speechless as I wipe tears from my eyes. Thank you for that beautiful word picture Mist.
